Boyfriend bails as foul ball hits girlfriend

Worst date ever: Boyfriend bails as foul ball hits girlfriend

Most guys would try to catch a ball headed straight for their date, but not this Astros fan.

Many women would do anything for a boyfriend who likes to dance.

But as one woman unfortunately learned on Monday, a man who decides to do the Texas two-step and electric slide away from your side as a foul ball screams toward you into the stands is far from a dream date.

In one of the funnier foul ball mishaps I’ve seen, a woman named Sarah was struck with a foul ball at the Houston Astros game after her male companion named Bo ducked out of the way.

As most of the blogosphere is noting this morning, chivalry is officially dead.

After all, if a man can’t abide by the simplest rule of a baseball date — don’t let your company get hit by a foul ball — what hope can women hold for things like flagging down the beer vendor or having their scorecard kept when they head to the ladies room?

On the bright side, Sarah’s only injury was a bruise and Bo’s strict interpretation of the term “dodgeball” earned the couple a lighthearted moment in the spotlight. Sarah later told the Astros television reporter that she, unlike her boyfriend, saw it coming:

“As soon as we got here and I saw where we were sitting, I said ‘Baby, I’m going to get hit,” Sarah said. “He said, ‘No, you won’t. I’ll catch it if you do.’ We just had this conversation and sure enough, the ball comes at me. He just bailed.”

So what was Bo’s excuse for his comedic act of temporary cowardice? Well, he claimed to have lost Chris Johnson’s(notes) drive in the lights at Minute Maid Park.

Of course he lost it in the lights. Here’s hoping that the couple stopped at a sporting goods store for some eyeblack. You know, just after their postgame trip to the florist.

Posted in Dating / Relationships, Odd News, Odd Stuff & News, Off Topic, Sports.